30s female

Teaching Materials for Children
Locations & Attractions

Gentle and sincere voice, also specializes in longer manuscripts, and can handle a wide range of styles, from chunky to soft and dialogue-based.
Introduction to the city
Children's materials, gentle
Boys' characters

With a bright and easy listening voice, specialize in high-tension advertising videos.
I can also provide a wide range of other services, from refreshing commercials to calm corporate PR videos and character voices.
Pop, lighthearted
Cute devil

I am good at narrating in a calm voice and at voicing energetic boys and girls, older women, and comical characters.
Company History
Locations & Attractions
Game and animation characters

I am good at reading in a sophisticated and calm style. I can also handle longer manuscripts and bright, high-tension situations.
Mature women
Comical high school girls

After leaving a voice acting agency, she changed her name to her current one.
I am good at voice acting for strong-willed girls and strong-willed female characters, as well as kind mothers.
Employee Training Videos
Business, Corporate VP
Comical girl

I used to be a TV announcer, and I have a warm and refreshing voice.
I am particularly good at "explanatory and product introduction videos," cute and impactful "videos for children," and persuasive "corporate VPs."

From bright and vivacious, to calm recitations, to yappy characters. With over 10 years of experience as a narrator and voice actor, I can meet a wide range of client needs.